Historical Data

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The CSE makes the following reports available to address market participants' needs. These reports are in comma separated value file (.csv). Delivery is available through email, FTP, SFTP and the CSE online Client Portal. If you have a specific request for information, please email marketdata@thecse.com or call 416-572-2000.

CSE Corporate Actions

The CSE Corporate Actions file provides information about stock splits/ consolidations, dividends and listings changes for CSE listed securities on a daily basis.
Frequency: daily file is available at the end of each business day at approximately 7 PM

CSE Trades Report

The CSE Trades report is comprised of full trade history for CSE listed securities for the duration of the trading day.
Frequency: daily file is available at the end of each business day at approximately 5 PM
monthly file is available on the 3rd business day of each month


CSE Trades & Quotes Report

The CSE Trades and Quotes report is comprised of full trade and quote history for CSE listed securities for the duration of the trading day.
Frequency: daily file is available at the end of each business day at approximately 5 PM
monthly file is available on the 3rd business day of each month

CSE Trading Summary

The CSE Trading Summary provides end-of-day trading information for CSE listed securities, including Symbol, Open and Close Price, High and Low Price, Volume, Value, Trades and Change.
Frequency: daily (MTD) file is available at the end of each business day at approximately 5 PM
monthly file is available on the 3rd business day of each month


Please email marketdata@thecse.com or call 416-572-2000 for more information on fee schedule.

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